Unusual Creatures: A Mostly Accurate Account of Some of Earth's Strangest Animals by Michael Hearst is a humorous look at some of the strangest creatures you probably didn't know about. This book covers a wide variety of animals that can be located in diverse habitats. The book features fifty unique creatures that can be found around the world. There is the blobfish that lives of the coast of Australia. The blobfish is a gelatinous mass whose body construct allows it to float above the sea floor without using energy:
Unusual Creatures is illustrated by Arjen Noordemen, Christie Wright, and Jelmer Noordemen. The pictures feature scientific classification information, in addition to a map of the area the animal can be found. Many of the illustrations are cover the page. Not only does the book offer information and illustrations about strange creatures around the world, but one can find true and false questions and answers as well as pop quizzes.
Perhaps as strange as his creatures, Michael Hearst is a song writer and musician that is originally from Virginia Beach. Hearst has composed songs for these unusual creatures for PBS Digital Studios. Short informational clips on these animals can be found on YouTube, along with compositions inspired by the animals.
The following links are available for those interested in reading this book:
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